Tenant Relocation Assistance offered at Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections
Tenant Relocation Assistance offered at Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections
Requires landlords to offer tenants relocation assistance if tenants must move out of their rental unit due to: - The unit being torn down or renovated - The unit's use being changed - The unit being illegal - The landlord being required to reduce the number of unrelated tenants living there - The unit being ordered vacated and closed - Emergency conditions caused by the landlord. Relocation assistance is paid directly to the tenant. Also requires landlords to give a reason for asking a tenant to move.
Physical Address
700 5th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104
M Tu Th F, 8am-4:30pm W, 10am-4:30pm.
Application process
Contact Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections for more information.
Tenants who live in the city of Seattle. Some services are income-specific.
Agency info
Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections
Administers housing building maintenance codes, including electrical, fire safety, structural and mechanical codes for existing buildings. Enforces the Condominium Conversion Ordinance, Just-Cause Eviction Ordinance, Weeds Ordinance, Zoning Code, Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance, Rental Registration and Inspection Ordinance, and Noise Ordinance.