
Family Assistance Program offered at Operation First Response

Family Assistance Program offered at Operation First Response

Provides emergency financial assistance to wounded military personnel, disabled veterans, and their families, and first responders from the onset of injury or illness throughout their recovery period. Assistance is provided in the form of checks paid directly to vendors/service providers.   Financial assistance varies, based on individual needs ranging from rent, utilities, vehicle payments, groceries, clothing, and travel expenses. Services are subject to funds available at the time of request.

Physical Address

20037 Dove Hill Road, Culpeper, VA 22701


Please leave a voicemail or go to the website to fill out the Assistance Request form.

Application process

Requests for applications must come from a Case Worker, Veterans Administration Representative or Chain of Command. For answers to questions, leave a message on the voicemail or fill out the online form.   




Active Duty Service Members that have been wounded, injured or critically ill. Disabled Veterans with an awarded disability rating of 50% and higher within the Veterans Administration. Wounded, injured or critically ill First Responders. Must have a first responder ID.

Service area


Agency info

Operation First Response

Provides personal and financial assistance to wounded warriors, Disabled Veterans and First Responders.