
Transition Services offered at Northwest Center in Spokane

Transition Services offered at Northwest Center in Spokane

Helps students with developmental disabilities leave school with a job and experience a seamless transition to adult life and support services. Students work with a Northwest Center Transition Specialist who will partner with the student's team of educators and collaborate with parents and the adult service system to help the student find a good job match before they leave school.


101 West Cataldo Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201


M-F, 8am-5pm

Application process

Call for more information or fill out application form on website.


Students with a developmental disability who are turning 21 years of age and in their last year of school. Students must have a desire to have their own job within the community and be connected to one of the following agencies: - DSHS's Developmental Disabilities Administration - DSHS's Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Students also need to apply for benefits through the Social Security Administration.


None for participants.

Agency info

Northwest Center

Provides occupational skills training for adults with disabilities. Helps workers with disabilities obtain community-based employment. Focuses on supporting people with significant developmental disabilities.