Food Service Inspections offered by Public Health in Seattle & King County's Environmental Health Services
Food Service Inspections offered by Public Health in Seattle & King County's Environmental Health Services
Inspects public facilities such as schools and water recreation facilities (pools and spas). Plans, reviews and inspects certain commercial facilities (massage parlors, tattoo parlors and public bathhouses). Provides routine inspection of food service establishments such as restaurants, grocery stores, taverns and ice cream vendors. Responds to citizens' complaints and has enforcement authority. Also inspects and certifies red meats, fish and poultry. Investigates consumer fraud through misrepresentation in product advertising, improper dating or pricing, etc.
Physical Address
401 5th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104
M W F, 8am-3pm Tu Th, 10:30am-3pm.
Application process
Call for information or to report a complaint. Call or visit website to report unsafe food handling activity.
No fees for complaint investigations. Fees vary for permits and inspections.
King County facilities.
Service area
King, WA
Agency info
Public Health - Seattle & King County's Environmental Health Services
Inspects and regulates the safety of facilities and conditions which could have a significant impact on the health of the public. Regular inspection programs enforce health standards required of commercial establishments. Business licenses may be denied, suspended or revoked if these standards are not met and maintained.