
Recorder's Office offered at King County Records and Licensing Services

Recorder's Office offered at King County Records and Licensing Services

Records and provides access to over 350 types of documents, including:    Real estate documents (deeds, mortgage documents, Torrens documents, real estate tax affidavits, etc. ) - Survey, condominium and plat maps -  Liens -  Marriage applications and certificates -  Miscellaneous documents (powers of attorney, wills, community property agreements, military discharge papers, and other documents submitted for public record. )   The method of recording these documents has evolved from a system of manual transcription in ledger books to digitally scanning and indexing the documents presented for recording. All documents that have not been imaged (which includes most documents recorded prior to August 1, 1991) can only be acquired at the King County Archives.

Physical Address

500 4th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104


Office hours for visiting in person: M-F, 8:30am-4:30pm. Recording services: M-F, 8:30am-3:30pm. Phone line available: M-F, 9am-2pm.

Application process

Mail in, visit in person, call for information or request forms online.   Documents received after 3:30pm are recorded the following day.


Fees vary for recording documents, purchasing maps or copying documents. Military Separation Record- Form DD214: None.


No restrictions.




Service area

King, WA

Agency info

King County Records and Licensing Services

Maintains a record of all King County real estate transactions, marriage records, and other documents submitted for public record. Also offers licensing services and an interactive mapping tool with integrated property search and report functions. Provides animal care and control services.