
Hospice Services offered by MultiCare Yakima Memorial at Memorial Hospice & Home Care

Hospice Services offered by MultiCare Yakima Memorial at Memorial Hospice & Home Care

Hospice offers comprehensive support to terminally ill patients and their families. In addition to providing pain and symptom management for the patient, hospice provides comfort and reassurance to families during this uncertain life transition. Hospice provides comfort care and brings quality of life during the final days of a person's life while supporting families through this difficult time. Some of the additional specialized services provided include spiritual care, nutritional education and bereavement services. You should consider hospice care when there is a life expectancy of six months or less and you or your loved one have decided to forgo seeking curative measures. Cottage in the Meadow: a part of hospice care available to hospice patients. This home-like environment assists patients who need more intensive care for symptom management or for those needing respite care.

Physical Address

302 South 10th Avenue, Yakima, WA 98902


M-F, 8am-5pm.

Application process

Contact for more information


Accepts WA Apple Health (Medicaid), Medicare, private insurance, and offers charity care. Call for more details.


Contact for more information

Service area

Yakima, WA

Agency info

Yakima Valley Memorial

Provides a full-service inpatient hospital with an intensive care unit, emergency room, and child and family centered care. Maintains medication disposal boxes available in various areas at the hospital and a syringe disposal box in the emergency department; call for more information.