
Mental Health Support Services offered at National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Chelan Douglas

Mental Health Support Services offered at National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Chelan Douglas

Provides bi-weekly support meetings and classes to give people an opportunity to meet others with similar mental health needs and share information about local services. Meetings are confidential and provide a caring place to meet others who understand.

Physical Address


Hours vary.

Application process

Call to leave a voicemail and someone will return the call within 48 hours. Visit website for meeting schedule. For virtual support groups and meetings during COVID-19, please send an email.




Anyone with an interest in mental health issues.

Agency info

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Chelan Douglas

Offers support, education, and advocacy to those with mental illness and/or their loved ones. The programs are led by volunteers who have "been there" and give people a chance to share with others who have similar experiences. Free classes, support meetings and literature. Lending library. One-to-one advocacy and support. Confidentiality is important.